Today is May 8, 2024 - 30 Nissan 5784    |    Contact Us

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Monthly Theme


Back in the day, especially during the two world wars, parents would often sigh and tell their children, “Es Iz Shver Tzu Zein Ah Yid,” “It’s difficult to be a Yid.” And unfortunately, that attitude turned many children away from the ways of their parents. Who would want to be a Frum Yid if it’s so hard? Understandably, in those days, it was particularly hard, Yidden were constantly under persecution, they were being punished for keeping Torah and Mitzvos, and everything they did required tremendous Mesiras Nefesh.

But nowadays, we have to give over a different message, “It’s Geshmak to be a Yid!” That being a Yid makes one a happier person because a Yid knows that he has the Torah and Hashem on his side, so what’s there not to be happy about?! A true Simcha in being a Yid is one that we can and must share with everyone around us by being an example and by having Ahavas Yisroel! Let’s create a vibe of positivity!

Monthly Mission:

Mesibos Shabbos was established as a way of holding gatherings of learning and games for Yiddisheh Kinder. These gatherings consisted mainly of public school children and, throughout the years, the number of participants reached over ten thousand. Of Mesibos Shabbos, the Rebbe once said by a Farbrengen: “The [Frierdiker] Rebbe has begun with Mesibos Shabbos; from here and on the world will be conquered…”

This month, every Shabbos (that’s 4 weeks) participate in a Mesibos Shabbos (Shabbos party), emphasizing the Simcha and warmth of Yiddishkeit. If you don’t usually have one, start one! The Rebbe often encouraged young girls to be Mesibos Shabbos leaders and share the excitement of being a Yid with other children!